What’s The Jeep Grand Cherokee Engine Replacement Cost & Other Factors?
As a sports SUV, the Jeep Grand Cherokee has good fame, though the engine has some flaws. This engine is supposed to run 300k miles; unfortunately, it will create a lot of engine issues only after 100k miles. Sometimes, the problems are severe and need an immediate replacement (though it costs higher than repairing).
The Jeep Grand Cherokee Engine replacement cost might be around $2000 to $6500. It varies from engine to engine and also depends on labor costs. Besides, the engine condition will play another crucial role in replacement costs.
It’s time to get through the Jeep Grand Cherokee engine and let’s see why it costs higher than other engines.

About Jeep Grand Cherokee Engine
The Jeep Grand Cherokee has different types of engines from other models. From 2011 to 2022, the manufacturer used 3.0L, 3.6L, 5.7L, 6.2L, and 6.4L.
Therefore, the engine replacement cost will be different, as the 3.0L engine cost is not the same as the 6.4L. Each engine has a particular cylinder. For instance, the 3.0L & 3.6L engine has a V6, and other engines have a total V8 or 8 cylinders.
However, all the engines are durable and supposed to give you reliable engine performance for a very long time (at least 20 years). Unfortunately, the engine will create a lot of issues only after 70k to 100k miles. After a certain time, it will ask for an immediate replacement.
Let’s have a look at this video and know more about the Grand Cherokee Engine replacement cost.
Replacement Cost & Related Factors
The replacement cost will vary since all the Jeep Grand Engines are different and have different specs & criteria. Still, you can expect to spend a relative amount on purchasing a new or used Grand Cherokee engine.
If you need to replace the 3.8L engine, you can get the detailed Jeep Wrangler engine replacement cost here.
Let’s see what factors to consider to get an estimated replacement cost for your Jeep Cherokee engine.
Labor Cost (Might Be Equal to Engine Cost)
Labor cost is the very first factor that influences the replacement budget. In most cases, the labor cost will be as high as a new engine price. Even it might be higher if your Grand Cherokee engine is in bad condition.
The labor cost will be $2500 to $3000, depending on the engine’s condition. Some engines might ask for extra labor and need a few hours to remove it.
The best way to save labor costs is DIY skills. That means if you have experience replacing SUV engines, you can use your DIY tools & skills in order to save labor costs.
Engine Condition
The labor or replacement costs can be doubled if your Jeep Grand Cherokee engine is in awful condition. Let’s say you drive it for 200k miles and overuse the engine. After a while, you notice severe engine problems, including overheating, smoke, damaged or broken pistons, and other irreparable engine parts.
In that case, the replacement cost might be higher than usual because the mechanic needs to put in double the effort to remove that engine.
Also, the related engine parts ask for a repair or replacement. That’s where the cost will increase.
Engine Types
Another replacement factor is engine type. Look, the Jeep Grand Cherokee has different models and comes with various engines; therefore, the replacement cost will vary.
A 3.6L engine might cost $2500, whereas a 5.7 or 6.4L machine may cost around $4000 to $6000.
If you add labor costs, it might be around $8000. So, it’s better to check the engine type and the updated price from eBay or any other marketplace.
Why Should You Replace Grand Cherokee Engine?
You should replace the Grand Cherokee engine for five reasons. Once the engine shows you a couple of reasons together, you must consider replacing it soon. Or, you may go for a repair.
Lack of Performance
Once you drive the SUV for a couple of hundred miles, you may notice a performance degradation. The Jeep engine fails to produce enough power to ensure a smooth drive. And it’ll get worse day by day.
White Emissions
Sometimes, the Jeep Grand Cherokee motor will release a lot of white smoke. It’s the second most noticeable sign of a damaged engine. Either the exhaust manifold gets damaged, or the engine fails to do its job properly.
If you find issues with the exhaust manifold, you can replace the manifold in order to sort out the problem. Otherwise, you must consider replacing a new engine.
Excessive Fuel Consumption
After a certain time or 200k-300k miles, the Jeep Grand Cherokee engine may start consuming too much fuel. The mileage may be half, and you’re tired of investing in fuel frequently.
Damaged gasoline & faulty fuel systems could be the reasons for excessive fuel consumption. Otherwise, the motor is using more fuel to generate the same or less power than before.
Extra Noise
Some knocking sound or any extra noise could be a terrible sign of a damaged engine. Maybe the engine fails to produce the power required to drive, or some parts get damaged poorly.
Whatever the reasons are, you must identify them first. Then, go for the solution. Once you fail, you have no option but to replace the existing engine.
Overheated Engine
Though it’s not a common reason to replace the Jeep Grand Cherokee engine, you can only partially avoid the overheated engine. You must solve the problem and see if your engine is normally heating or is overheating.
Overheated engines create tons of problems, and you may go for the engine replacement in the end.
What’s The Price of a Brand New Jeep Grand Cherokee Engine?
A brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee engine is around $5000. The exact price will depend on engine type since this SUV has different models & different engines.
Is the Grand Cherokee Engine Repairable?
Yes, the Grand Cherokee engine is repairable unless it is poorly damaged. If it has any minor issues or damaged parts, you can easily replace that part only. Thus, it is repairable.
Is It Worth Changing Damaged Engines?
It’s always worth changing a damaged engine because repairing and replacing engine parts might cost higher than a brand-new engine. And the performance will be 100 times better than the damaged or repaired engine.
When Should I Change My Grand Cherokee Engine?
You should only change your grand Cherokee engine if it fails to produce power and repairing cost is as high as the replacement cost. Also, you may go through the symptoms of a damaged machine that tells you to change the engine.
Closing Words
The Jeep Grand Cherokee engine replacement cost might be $2000 to $6500, though the labor cost might increase the overall budget. Unfortunately, the labor cost might be as high as a brand-new engine.
So, it’s better to have some DIY skills in engine replacement. It will save a couple of thousand dollars.