What Jeep 2.4 Engine Problems Should You Know?
The jeep 2.4 engine is a powerful monster of an engine. It’s one of Chrysler’s best inspirations and Jeep’s creations. You must try this out for your car if you have a minivan or SUV. It’s efficient, so much so that it blows your mind.
Since Jeep 2.4 engine’s inception, people have adopted it worldwide. Its mass and wholehearted reception were ground-breaking. And yet, it isn’t without fault. But which engine is it? Or what is faultless, anyway. Many users came with some qualms to us about the machine. It seems they found the Jeep 2.4 engine problems.
If I tier ranked them, these problems had oil consumption and excessive emission as the main issue. Other than that, customers reported oil leaks, position discomfort in the car, and some connection failures. Let’s see what’s behind them anyway, shall we?
Jeep 2.4 engine problems you should know of:
The Jeep is impressive, regardless of its problems. I found technical and mechanical issues, which most users complained about. And though most of them are minor, I still want to divulge and keep you prepared for the major ones. So let’s get started.

1. High Oil Consumption
The oil consumption rate has reached sky-high as one of the problems with Jeep 2.4 engine lately. Besides the apparent price hike, the faster oil drainage is a bother not everyone is willing to put up with. The 2.4-litre engine works so hard that it soon consumes its oil supply. Furthermore, it extends well beyond simple typical activities that reduce oil use. Cleaning piston seals well can reduce overconsumption.
2. High Emission Rate
One of the Jeep 2.4 l engine problems includes significant emissions from the tailpipe.
A high emission rate can often cause the engine to explode due to high pressure. As a result, the acceleration of the car while driving becomes problematic. Handling and steering the car also becomes a chore afterwards.
With a quart of oil using up every 1000 miles, the vehicle gets intolerant as it becomes expensive. However, using fuel additive, changing oil regularly, and driving minimally can help reduce surplus emissions.
3. Connection Failures
Jeep 2.4 doesn’t have many issues with its sound and connectivity. Its WiFI, GPS, and music work just great. But the connection keeps getting disconnected.
Experts found the blame was on the operating system and the device. For example, Androids faced more connectivity issues than iOS. To solve the connectivity issue, stabilise the connection with a pathway or syncing system.
4. Irregular Transmission
Jeep 2.4 engine allows you to drive freely and fiercely. You will find problems when you try to do something definite with the wheel. For instance, the car doesn’t receive speed shifting, and gear changes well, and you might have wires cut. Then, you will find your vehicle stopping and shutting down out of the blue. You can try resealing the gasket, replacing damaged solenoids, and adjusting throttle cables to temporarily fix the transmission.
5. Dangerous Tremors
A jeep calls for a rocky ride on the wilder side of town. Knowing the robust stability of the engine, you can ride out in any terrain, regardless of its stature. Or can you?
You can’t miss out on check-ups before you venture out, even if you can’t resist the idea. Tremors and Vibrations are some Jeep Wrangler 2.4 l engine problems you can’t escape. So a good checkup can help you avoid these bouts of vibrations.
The trembling issue becomes more unendurable because of the engine’s lengthy runtime and high temperature. Overwhelming submersion is too much for the 2.4-litre machine to handle. The outcome is a decent shake and disruption to your driving when it doesn’t go clearly beyond the immersion.
6. Oil Leak
Sometimes you will find your Jeep smelling smoke or a hot but wispy, light-burning oil fuming in smoke. The engine oil will also be at a lower level. In these cases, you can guarantee an oil leak is happening. The leak will also be visible if you look closely. However, a leak additive or high-mileage oil blend should fix the leaks easily.
What’s the main issue with the Jeep 2.4 engine?
Most people have problems with the new 2.4L MultiAir engine because it uses too much oil. It’s a real worry because of the risks involved if the engine oil becomes too low. There are more pressing issues than the Jeep 2.4 engine oil consumption. Please make sure the oil level is not all that depleted by checking it periodically. Jeep 2.4 engine reliability is high as long as you maintain it.
How to maintain Jeep 2.4 engines?
You should use high-quality oils to maintain engines. Your time spent using the Jeep 2.4-litre engine should be pleasant and trouble-free if you solve the Jeep 2.4 engine problems on the spot. Some models have been seen with over 200,000 miles on the clock and have had very few problems.
What are some common areas for leaks?
You can expect signs of leaking on valve cover gaskets, oil pan gaskets, and main seals. The valve cover gaskets suffer leaks most frequently owing to mileage and age.
What causes oil leaks in the Jeep 2.4 engine?
Oil leaks are caused due to deteriorated and cracked gaskets. The valve cover gasket won’t give much away on sight, so you must be a keen observer. Just sightings of tiny drops of oil are enough to figure out a leak is going on.
The Jeep 2.4 is a resourceful engine that is energy-efficient. Like all engines, there are some Jeep 2.4 engine problems too. It would be miraculous for a faultless machine to exist. Now that I have pinpointed the minor problems, I comprehend that regularly catering to your car and engine and maintaining it goes a long way.
You can check my other blog about the Jeep 2.5 engine problems if you are curious if another engine may be good for you. Till then, drive safe.